Academic subjects
Academic Areas of Knowledge
We firmly believe in a holistic, balanced and broad education for sustainable development which is further enhanced by our provileged learning environment. Sustainability, cultural cooperation and respectful, lasting and rewarding relationships are placed at the centre of our educational philosophy and approach.
Creativity, Collaboration, Communication and Critical Thinking are highly valued both inside and outside the classroom.

The Arts are a critical part of any good curriculum and allow for students to express themselves in ways in which they may not always be able to do in other subject areas. Strength of personality and individuality are aspects of a child's character that we believe should be developed as early as possible. Music is taught by a specialist teacher from Year 2 onwards. Art is on the curriculum from the very start of Early Years and is taught by a specialist teacher from Year 7 onwards. Drama is an important part of any English curriculum and is then available, along with Art and Music at GCSE and beyond for those that wish to learn about the subject in more depth. All three areas are also available through a wide range of extra curricular activities at lunchtime and after school.

You only need to watch our school video to realise what a wonderful environment our school is in. We are surrounded by a whole host of natural wonders and environmentally important locations. Any university, anywhere in the world will be happy to accept Geography and History as part of a students portfolio. These facilitating subjects are considered some of the most useful a student can study. Other Humanities subjects such as Politics and Business are also very widely accepted, especially for courses in related fields. It is important at both GCSE and IBDP that students choose at least one Humanities subject to ensure a broad subject base.
Spanish is taught to all students from Early Years until the end of Year 11. All Spanish students will also study catalan over that same period of time. French is introduced to all students in year 3 and of course english is the language of instruction. When mother tongues are added, It is therefore not unusual for our students to speak three or four languages fluently by the time they reach 6th form. Our teachers are experts in their fields, all mother tongue and with huge experience.

Science is taught throughout the school and then by specialist teachers to students in the secondary school. All students study science at IGCSE and IBDP. Our teachers are experts in their fields and we have a practical approach to learning so wherever possible students will learn through doing experiments. This hands on approach allows students to explore scientific theories and discover for themselves what is written in the text books.
All secondary students have a google Chromebook which is especially good for collaborative learning and the sharing of ideas. We use Google Classroom as our online learning platform.
Secondary - Key Stage 3
Years 7, 8 and 9
Art and Design
Art and Design is an exciting mix of practical creative skills, investigation into other artist’s work and the development of analytical skills. It is a project based subject, which includes research, experimentation into media, ideas development and final outcomes. Throughout the year, students will be taught both experimental media and techniques, and more traditional, technical drawing and observation skills.
Art and Design is an amazing subject for developing necessary life skills. Students work in a safe environment where they are encouraged to try, experiment and learn from mistakes. They develop skills in problem solving, creative thinking, perseverance, decision making and communication. The art room is a wonderful space for learning and growth.
English Language
From developing skills in the English language as a practical tool of communication to appreciating poetry´s capacity to use language more intensely, at BCG we recognise that language is central to what it is to be human; it is central to knowing how to live more deeply, more fully and with greater awareness; it is central to the process of creating new experiences and understanding the experiences of others.
An ability to use language effectively is the key determining factor in enabling students to participate fully in society, opening them up to a wealth of opportunities in addition to enfranchising them and enabling them to recognise, respond to and resist bias and prejudice and become independent thinkers. To this end, an understanding of how language is used for an instrument of persuasion is fostered and developed throughout key stage 3.
Creative writing is also highly valued at this level and we actively encourage students to develop an eye for small details, an imaginative grasp of characters and emotions, and an open-minded patience in order to respond to suggestions and carefully edit and re-write their creations. Writing also enables students to grasp “the bigger picture” as they structure their stories and ideas, developing skills in planning and using techniques such as foreshadowing and dramatic irony to engage and enthrall the reader.
English Studies in Media & Culture (EMC).
EMC provides students with forays into various cultural institutions, fields and themes, with a focus primarily on law, politics, economics, religion, and “pan”-history. We want to enhance students’ broad view of the cultural institutions of humanity; what they are, where they have come from, where they are going. We also want to strengthen literacy in the English language, as here is a subject with an emphasis on rather different lexical sets and conceptual language which may not be encountered in other subjects - academic language is particularly in our crosshairs.
Ultimately, the subject is designed to prepare students for the iGCSE Global Citizenship course, which deals with much the same material.
At KS3, students consolidate previous knowledge while extending their range of vocabulary and developing grammar awareness. From Y7 to Y9, we continue with a multi-skill approach where students develop their speaking, writing, listening, reading and translation skills. By the end of Y9, students will feel confident to choose to study further the language at GCSE level if they wish to.
Complete beginners would be given a starter pack and tasks will be differentiated.
Native or fluent speakers will be expected to work on a different scheme, reinforcing grammar and including literary and cinematographic analysis.
This course focuses on the skills and knowledge identified in the Pearson geography progression map, forming a coherent programme of study. Local geographies, as well as national and international Geographies are focused upon with regards to case study investigation, with the implementation of higher-level fieldwork skills, such as environmental surveys and land-use mapping, to help ensure an holistic approach to the teaching of the subject.
In Year 7,students build the skills of identifying causation and consequence of the events and develop the use of critical analysis in terms of using sources to determine what we can know about the past.
In Year 8 students study the Tudors, Stuarts, Georgians and Victorians. Using source analysis and essay-writing skills they explore questions such as: Did Bloody Mary deserve her nickname? Were the Catholics framed in the Gunpowder Plot? Who was to blame for the English Civil War? Was Cromwell a Hero or Villain? Who was Jack the Ripper?
In Year 9 we continue to question which of the causes are the most important or which consequence brought lasting changes to the world. Students continue to develop the skills necessary for IGCSE and beyond.
Confidence and familiarity with Computing is vital for students in order to flourish in a rapidly evolving and technology-centric world. At BCG, Computing is taught throughout KS3 in one of two dedicated Computing suites. The focus is to ensure students develop experience in a wide range of practical skills and mastery of key software applications as well as the theoretical aspects of Computing. Coding is taught to encourage students to explore and understand how simple programs work. The KS3 programme of study has been carefully designed to ensure a seamless transition into KS4 and Computer Science iGCSE.
Mathematics provides a unique language to describe, explore and communicate the nature of the world we live in as well as being a constantly building body of knowledge and truth in itself that is distinctive in its certainty. These two aspects of mathematics are both separate yet closely linked, and in secondary school we start to explore both in more detail.
Mathematics is a vital part of any child's education, and a skill which is absolutely essential for success in today’s modern world. In secondary we take the subject of Mathematics and open it to a more holistic approach, while also ensuring that all of our students are able to access the more challenging content that comes with the Key Stage 3 curriculum. Students at BCG continue to learn and develop new skills, at the same time as mastering those which they have previously studied.
In this stage, Mathematics is taught in mixed ability classes but with individual differentiation in regards to worksheets and tests, which our teachers expertly utilise to ensure that every student can have the opportunities that they need in order to truly flourish. We teach mathematics in individual modules, assessing at every opportunity to identify levels of understanding, and supporting our students as their progress individually. In order to learn skills we take a holistic approach, and here at BCG we utilise projects and tasks to encourage students to think critically about the skills they area being taught.
The study of Music in Secondary develops lifelong transferable skills required in other subjects and career paths.
KS3 Music lessons at BCG follow the UK National Curriculum content, attainment aims and values. They learn to read bass clef notation as well as more complex rhythmic notation, and to play the keyboards and other instruments with accuracy and fluency, both solo and in groups. Pupils study genres in depth, such as Brazilian samba music, Rock n´ Roll and Popular Music, and learn about historical contexts, harmony, structure, instrumentation, and other musical elements. In listening activities pupils employ musical language to identify musical features and to evaluate and reflect on a wide range of musical styles and genres, thus developing a deepening understanding of the music that they perform and encounter in their daily lives. In addition, pupils compose their own music using music technology, as well as arrange and perform music in groups.
Since September 2020, choir has been integrated into the KS3 curriculum, and many of our students join extracurricular groups such as Musical Theatre, Samba Batucada, Band, and Orchestra. There are performance opportunities for all pupils in the end-of-term concerts and recitals in which our choirs, bands and orchestras perform a range of musical styles. In addition BCG music pupils participate in the BISA (Barcelona International Schools Association) and Sitges talent shows (our Secondary band was a finalist in Sitges Has Talent in May 2021!).
Physical Education
A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.
Pupils become more competent, confident and expert in their techniques, and apply them across different sports and physical activities. They should understand what makes a performance effective and how to apply these principles to their own and others’ work. They should develop the confidence and interest to get involved in exercise, sports and activities out of school and in later life, and understand and apply the long-term health benefits of physical activity.
When students move into secondary, science lessons take place inside state of the art laboratory facilities. Students study Biology, Chemistry and Physics throughout Years 7, 8 and 9. Topics are taught through expertly designed modules that allow students to develop their scientific inquiry skills, and are delivered by teachers who are experienced in teaching all aspects of science.
Spanish and Catalan as a foreign language
In Spanish and Catalan Language, the main priority is for the student to acquire the basic skills related to the five dimensions of the language: reading comprehension, written expression, oral communication, the literary dimension and the multilingual dimension.
Reading comprehension is enhanced by reading books and texts of different typology, which are worked through both cooperative and individual activities.
The written expression is worked from the production of texts of different typology through different tools, supports and activities.
To complement the entire language learning process, cultural outings are made and literary competitions are participated.
The evaluation of these competencies is continuous, so that the student can show the evolution of his learning in different ways and in different contexts.
We attend to the diversity of our students adapting both the methodology and the evaluation with the support of the SENCo.
Secondary - Key Stage 4
Years 10 and 11 - GCSE
Core Subjects
At Key Stage 4, TWO English specifications are taught simultaneously over the two years:
Students studying English Language A will enhance their ability to read and understand a variety of English texts. This will entail becoming proficient at selecting and interpreting information, ideas and perspectives, as well as analysing how writers use linguistic and structural devices to achieve effect. Furthermore, a great deal of attention is paid to honing students' writing skills, the aim being to communicate effectively and imaginatively, adapting one's form, tone and register for specific purposes and audiences.
In English Literature, students embark on the study of entire literary works and prescribed poems. TThe aim for the students is to be able to demonstrate a close knowledge and understanding of these texts, to adopt and maintain a critical style, and to present an informed personal engagement when writing about them. Additionally, students are expected to explore links between texts, and to show an understanding of the relationships between texts and the contexts in which they were written.
When students enter Key Stage 4, mathematics is separated by ability. From Year 10 onwards we teach Higher Maths and Standard Maths, with the same hour allocation to both but with different content and final grade outcomes. This is to ensure that all of our students are supported throughout their learning journey, and to give them every opportunity that they could possibly have in order to truly succeed. During this course we bring in as many practical applications for the skills that we are learning in lessons as possible, continuing to encourage our students to think of maths as a vital component in the world around them.
- Combined Science
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
In Year 10 the study of science develops even further as students start to prepare for gaining two International GCSEs in the subject. Lessons change so that every student gains Chemistry, Biology and Physics classes taught by a specialist teacher, who is an expert in the field as well as an expert teaching practitioner. At this level, we really start to look at the intrinsic nature of each of the sciences as individual subjects.
Across all of the sciences we continue to have a strong focus on the merits and benefits of learning through enquiry, and here at BCG our students learn through practical experience. We have state of the art laboratories in which students can develop the skills they need to fully succeed in understanding the scientific method of discovery.
In KS4 we develop the knowledge that students have gained through their earlier years of scientific study, and help them to learn about the world around them in more detail.
Every student studies science for International GCSE, but for students who are especially motivated and passionate to study science, there is the option to take separate science as one of their iGCSE options, which allows them to study all three of the sciences in even more detail.
Spanish and Catalan as a foreign language
In Spanish and Catalan Language, the main priority is for the student to acquire the basic skills related to the five dimensions of the language: reading comprehension, written expression, oral communication, the literary dimension and the multilingual dimension.
We attend to the diversity of our students adapting both the methodology and the evaluation with the support of the SENCo.
Promotes intercultural awareness with a focus on Spanish as a world language. The skills-based approach helps students develop meaningful language skills.
The aims and objectives of this qualification are to enable students to develop:
- understanding and use of written forms of the target language, in a range of familiar and practical contexts, and for a variety of purposes:
- Understanding and use of the spoken forms of the target language, in a range of familiar and practical contexts, and for a variety of purposes.
- The ability to communicate effectively in the target language through the written word, using a range of vocabulary and structures.
- The ability to communicate effectively in the target language through speaking, using a range of vocabulary and structures.
- A knowledge and understanding of the target language grammar and its practical application knowledge and understanding of countries and communities where the target language is spoken positive attitudes towards modern foreign language learning.
- A suitable foundation for further study of the target language, or another language.
Optional Subjects
Economics is the study of scarcity, what that means for society over time and what choices need to be made. The complexities of the interdependence between different economic activities are also examined.
Psychology is the study of how biological and cultural cognitive factors influence behaviour and mental processes. Students study famous psychologists, and their theories as well as key concepts and methodology.
Art and Design
Art and Design is an exciting mix of practical creative skills, investigation into other artist’s work and the development of analytical skills. It is a project based subject, which includes artist research, experimentation into media, refining technical skill, ideas development and final outcomes. Students will learn the artistic process, including how to document and record their work in a sketchbook and how to take a project from an initial concept to a finished outcome. This artistic journey combined with developing technical skill and artist research is what provides the students with the skills necessary to complete the IGCSE.
Art and Design is an amazing subject for developing necessary life skills. Students work in a safe environment where they are encouraged to try, experiment and learn from mistakes. They develop skills in problem solving, creative thinking, perseverance, decision making and communication.
GCSE Business provides students with many transferable skills into both other subjects and the real world. In Business, students will study a range of topics such as starting a business (entrepreneurship), marketing, finance, human resources and operations management. They will analyse a variety of case studies and business models to learn the skills that help businesses operate effectively. Within this course, students are required to exercise their essay writing ability and numerical skills to identify and analyse business innovation and enterprise.
Chemistry is sometimes known as the "central science" because it connects physical disciplines, like maths and physics, with applied sciences, like biology, medicine and engineering.
Here at BCG, we offer the Edexcel iGCSE Chemistry at KS4 which is an excellent stepping stone to the IB Chemistry Diploma program at KS5. These rigorous and demanding courses offer a combination of theoretical studies and application of skills and critical thinking. There are ample opportunities for practical investigations which are carried out in our modern and well equipped laboratories.
At KS4, having chosen French for the GCSE examination (Foundation or Higher), students work with more advanced grammar and vocabulary. By the end of Y11, students will be able to complete more challenging listening and reading tasks. They will also express themselves with more confidence and complete group work and projects in the target language.
Students will also be introduced to creative writing in French with appropriate support such as more authentic language and idioms. Throughout the course, students would be made aware of exam criteria and will apply a range of exam techniques and strategies to achieve their full potential.
Identity and culture, Local area, Holiday and travel, School, Future aspirations, study and work and International global dimension.
This qualification enables students to explore the world, the challenges it faces and their own place in it, and to help prepare them to succeed in their chosen pathway. The content and assessment approach for this qualification has been designed to meet students' individual needs. The Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Geography comprises two examinations, paper 1 based on Physical Geography and paper 2 based on Human Geography. Important to note that the Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Geography is a linear qualification. All examinations must be taken in the terminal series at the end of the course of study.
Global Citizenship
How should communities react locally, nationally, regionally and globally in response to wars, changing trade patterns, dictatorship, burning of fossil fuels, changing diets, revolutions or natural disasters? These are the big questions that underpin the Global Citizenship course. For anyone who is keen to understand how to make changes in the world and lead by example by following the United Nations global development goals.
We build on the skills from KS3 yet the focus here is on developing student opinions of the past and their ability to craft an argument about events. Using evidence to form judgements is vital for success and we develop critical thinking in terms of using sources by comparing and contrasting how far they agree or disagree with each other. History is a must for those who want to develop their transferable critical thinking skills.
Computer Science
The iGCSE in Computer Science would suit anyone with an interest and a willingness to explore and learn more about computers, technology and the digital world. This course would suit learners who wish to have a balance of theoretical and practical work.
The aims of the course:
- Developing confident and competent Computer Science users – This qualification provides students with the opportunity to operate confidently in today’s digital world. It is a useful, practical qualification which will provide skills needed in further education and work.
- Providing students with relevant and transferable skills – Students will learn about topics ranging from digital devices and connectivity, safe and responsible practice, and understand the impact of the internet on the way that organisations do business. They will also be encouraged to practice using software applications effectively.
Music is highly regarded as an academic subject from GCSE onwards and this, combined with the practical and cultural elements, demonstrates the creative, cultured and academic capabilities of the student - something that is held in great esteem by top universities and employers.
The various components develop pupils’ musical strengths and introduce them to new aspects of musical styles and techniques. The Music Department offers a wide range of weekly ensemble activities and it is advised that GCSE Music students develop their skills through involvement in these rehearsals and concerts.
There are several requirements for acceptance on the 3-Year Course. Students and parents can discuss this with the Head of Secondary.
Pupils should tackle complex and demanding physical activities. They should get involved in a range of activities that develops personal fitness and promotes an active, healthy lifestyle.
Pupils will be taught to:
- Use and develop a variety of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in team and individual games.
- Develop their technique and improve their performance in other competitive sports or other physical activities
- Take part in further outdoor and adventurous activities in a range of environments which present intellectual and physical challenges and which encourage pupils to work in a team, building on trust and developing skills to solve problems, either individually or as a group.
- Evaluate their performances compared to previous ones and demonstrate improvement across a range of physical activities to achieve their personal best and continue to take part regularly in competitive sports and activities outside school through community links or sports clubs.