Dear parents and guardians,
It has been an extremely busy term but your children have done so well over the past 12 weeks. Our Key Stage 3 students have really matured and will be getting ready next term to move into the next year group with the Year 9s poised to start their GCSE journey. Our Year 11s and 13s are making the final preparations for their GCSE and A level official examinations that start in May. The year 12s just have just completed a very interesting reflection week within the IBDP programme.
You will receive your children's reports earlier next week. Year 7 & 10 will receive full written reports with effort and progress grades. Year 8 & 9 will receive targets and grades due to the parents evening taking place this half term. Year 11 and 13 will receive specific targets depending on their performance in their mock exam and their mock exam grades and predicted grade. Year 12s will receive targets and grades.
Looking forward to the Summer term I would like to announce a few items and remind parents of some exciting events:
- Year 7, 8 & 9 surf lessons start on the 25th April. Year 7 starts on the 25th, Year 8 on the 26th and Year 9 on the 27th of April. Students only need to bring a towel, water and sun cream, all other equipment will be provided for them. A reminder that students will need to be picked up from Port Ginesta between 5.15pm-5.30pm
- Year 11 DofE expedition begins on April 29th through to April 30th, any questions please email me. Thank you to the parents who came to information evening last week
- Year 10 DofE expedition date has been changed and will occur in early September due to a large number of students who could not attend on the 29th April
- Year 10 first aid workshop - May 9th
- Year 12 mock exams - May 23rd - June 2nd
- May 12th & 13th U14 girls basketball tournament
- Annie the Musical - May 7th (tickets are on sale)
Have a lovely Easter and I hope the sun shines wherever you are!
Mr Steadman