What a busy end of term!
We look forward to a busy end of the academic year with summer concerts, sports days and the graduation ceremony. The examination season is in full flow with the GCSE and A Level students busy taking the public examinations and the rest of the school doing their end of year exams. For the teachers it is a very busy period with marking and report writing so everyone is being kept busy here in school!
Summer Camp
Remember to book the summer camp for your sons and daughters (and tell your friends too). This wonderful camp gets better year on year and from the preparations I have seem, this year looks to be the best ever! Registration is available on the website.
School partnerships
This week we have had the secondary school students from our sister school BC Andorra visiting us for a cultural and sports trip. They had visited the sights in the city, had a sports day with our students and are currently enjoying sports on the beach! It has been so good for the staff and students to finally spend time together in such an exciting programme.
Next week we have a very similar series of events but this time with our friends from Impington Village College in Cambridge, UK They too are going to be doing a range of sea, sand and city activities throughout the week. Huge thanks to Miss Bell and the team for organizing such great events.
Thanks to the few of you that have written regarding the new uniform. An email has been sent out with the latest information.
Inspection report
This week we received the NABSS Inspection report. We were awarded the maximum 4 years of authorisation which is fantastic news. The inspectors made recommendations for us to focus on over the coming year, all of which were areas we had already identified.
These areas were: further stretching and challenging of the more able students, Continuing to prioritize the recruitment of great teachers, being more consistent in the marking and feedback of student work and continuing to raise the standards of teaching.
The whole staff will be focussing on these very areas next Friday at our training day and i will update you in the new term on how we are working on these important themes. My congratulations to all the staff for achieving the excellent outcome. The full report can be found on the school website.
We have made the news again!
Many of you will have noticed another article in this weeks ‘el Periodico’. In this interview I explain the benefits of the new programe we hope to be launching in September. The International Baccalaureate Career-related Programme is designed for students who prefer a more vocational approach to their studies. BCG has partnered with the EU Business School in Barcelona to create a Business Option leading to entry to the degree courses at EUBS. This si avery exciting partnership and provides an excellent option for students wishing to study Business and remain in the Barcelona area after they leave BCG. Having said that, they could also go to Geneva, Munich or Montreux too!