Dear families and friends,
I have said many times just how much I value Art, Music and Drama and how I want it to continue developing here in school. Last week we saw two events which are the culmination of many many hours of creativity and hard work. It goes without saying that I hope you already have your tickets for Annie. The cast and crew have been doing final preparations in the huge theatre in Gava which has been an exciting and sometimes daunting experience! For two terms the cast have been rehearsing their dancing, singing and acting under Mrs Foreman's passionate and expert direction. Many other members of staff have been working hard too to make this special performance a success and we look forward to a full review in the next newsletter!
GCSE and A Level Art Exhibition
Two years ago, Miss Jensen and I discussed our joint vision for Art at BCG. Ensuring all students gain a thorough grounding in the essential skills required to be able to express their creativity was key to this. Now, 2 years on we have a wide range of talented and confident young artists. On Thursday we had our first Private View where the parents of the students were able to come and see the wonderful work.
St Jordi
This year I was sad that I was unable to attend the St Jordi celebrations. A year ago I said it was one of the best days I had experienced since joining the BCG community and from what I have heard, this year was even better! A super addition was that we welcomed many of the Early Years parents to school to share in the fun. Recent changes to the COVID protocols mean that we will be able to do that much more often which is something we are all delighted about.
Parent Teacher meetings
Last week saw the Parent Teacher meetings for the Primary school. Feedback from parents about the format and quality of discussions has been very good. These are important events and strengthen the two way communication between school and home.
Surf 's Up!
It was so good to see the pictures and video masterpiece’s created by Mr Steadman during the Year 7, 8 and 9 Surf lessons last week. We are so lucky to be able to offer this as part of our PE curriculum and it was very clear that the students had a fantastic time. If you have not seen them, check out our social media!
IBDP Group 4 project presentations
Our Scientists presented their Group 4 projects to teachers and parents in the Auditorium last week. It was very clear that they had worked hard and had enjoyed this compulsory element to the Diploma course.
NABSS Inspection
All British Schools in Spain are inspected every few years to ensure that they are meeting all of the regulations and standards required. NABSS, The National Association of British Schools in Spain is an association and international accrediting body of British independent schools operating in Spain which also has an affiliation with the British Council here.
We have a whole school inspection today and are very much looking forward to welcoming the two inspectors to our wonderful school.
Mr Mower